10 December 2015
Will the new government in Burkina Faso bring a better future for its girls?
3 out of 4 girls and women in Burkina Faso have experienced female genital mutilation (FGM) but new research indicates that attitudes are changing.
As 28 Too Many publishes its Country Profile on FGM in Burkina Faso, Roch Marc Christian Kabore has just been newly elected as President and there is much hope that this will bring a sustained period of peace, stability and economic development to the country. With a new focus on the international development agenda following the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030 (SDGs), this is also an opportunity to make important progress towards tackling social challenges affecting the lives of its citizens.
“The new President of Burkina Faso has pledged to improve health and I hope he will continue the former governments’ commitment to end FGM as a part of this pledge,” says Dr Ann-Marie Wilson, Executive Director of 28 Too Many. “To win the election President Kabore had to appeal to the very large young population who have had the chance to vote for someone new for the first time. There is now an opportunity to step up the campaign to end FGM, improve education and engage the young even further. We hope this new report will be a useful contribution to this work. ”