30 June 2023

New Report Highlights Persistent High Rates of Female Genital Mutilation in Ethiopia and Urgent Need for Targeted Interventions

Blog by Savannah Grantham for the FGM/C Research Initiative

A recent report by Orchid Project provides a clear picture of how common female genital mutilation/cutting (‘FGM/C’) is in Ethiopia. 65.2% of Ethiopian women between the ages of 15 and 49 have undergone the practice. Data from the Demographic and Health Surveys emphasise the need for focused efforts to challenge this deeply embedded practice.

16 March 2023

Nigeria's Battle Against Female Genital Mutilation: A Hard Look at the Numbers and the Fight Ahead

Blog by Savannah Grantham for the FGM/C Research Initiative

In Nigeria, female genital mutilation/cutting (‘FGM/C’) continues to be a serious problem that affects a great number of women and girls. Orchid Project’s recent Country Profile Update on FGM/C in Nigeria provides a thorough examination of the current landscape, offering crucial statistics and insights to inform responses to this harmful practice.

10% of all FGM/C cases worldwide are thought to occur in Nigeria, where an estimated 20 million girls and women have undergone cutting.

30 January 2023

Navigating Challenges: Mauritania's Ongoing Efforts Against Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

Blog by Savannah Grantham for the FGM/C Research Initiative

In Mauritania, the battle against female genital mutilation/cutting (‘FGM/C’) is a multifaceted effort involving government entities, UN agencies, religious associations and civil-society organisations. Through intensive public-awareness campaigns, significant progress has been made in shifting popular attitudes towards gender-based violence, including FGM/C.

16 September 2022

Female Genital Mutilation in Central African Republic: New Report Shows Decreasing Trends but Highlights Ongoing Challenges

Blog by Savannah Grantham for the FGM/C Research Initiative

In the Central African Republic (‘CAR’), female genital mutilation/cutting (‘FGM/C’) is still a concern. According to a report by Orchid Project, 21.6% of women in the CAR between the ages of 15 and 49 are affected by FGM/C. The most commonly practised type is a cut that removes a small amount of flesh.

16 June 2022

Millions Affected: Mali Country Profile Reveals Alarming Prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting and Urgent Call to Action

Blog by Savannah Grantham for the FGM/C Research Initiative

Millions of girls and women in Mali have been impacted by the common and persistent practice of female genital mutilation/cutting (‘FGM/C’). Orchid Project’s Mali Country Profile Update provides a thorough analysis of the practice of FGM/C in Mali, highlighting its history and effects, the beliefs surrounding it, and future steps for ending this harmful tradition.

30 September 2021

New Report Highlights Urgent Need to Address Widespread Female Genital Mutilation in Guinea

Blog by Savannah Grantham for the FGM/C Research Initiative

A recently published report by Orchid Project has shed light on the persistent issue of female genital mutilation/cutting (‘FGM/C’) in Guinea. Its key findings offer a comprehensive understanding of the prevalence, geographical disparities, age dynamics, types, cutters, prevailing attitudes and legislative framework surrounding this harmful practice.

1 September 2021

Alarming Prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation in Djibouti: New Report Highlights Urgent Need for Action

Blog by Savannah Grantham for the FGM/C Research Initiative

In Djibouti, the prevalence of female genital mutilation/cutting (‘FGM/C’) among women aged 15 to 49 is alarmingly high, at 93.1%. A report by Orchid Project emphasises how widespread the practice is in the nation. Furthermore, a detailed geographic analysis reveals regional disparities, with FGM/C prevalence at 92.9% in the Djibouti city region, but rising to 94.9% in the rest of the country.

15 June 2021

New Report Highlights Need to Address Female Genital Mutilation in Benin

Blog by Savannah Grantham for the FGM/C Research Initiative

Female genital mutilation/cutting (‘FGM/C’) remains a significant concern in Benin, as highlighted in a recent report by Orchid Project that sheds light on its prevalence and drivers. The report reveals that the 2014 prevalence of FGM/C among women aged 15–49 in Benin was 9.2%.

12 April 2021

Understanding the Legal Landscape of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) in Africa

Blog by Sean Callaghan for the FGM/C Research Initiative 

In Africa, where FGM/C is most prevalent, understanding the legal framework surrounding this practice is crucial in combating its prevalence and protecting the rights of individuals. A comprehensive report titled "The Law and FGM" provides valuable insights into the legal aspects of FGM in 28 African countries, shedding light on the progress made and the challenges that still exist.

10 March 2021

Somalia and Somaliland Confront Female Genital Mutilation: Orchid Project's Eye-opening Country Profile Update

Blog by Savannah Grantham for the FGM/C Research Initiative

Orchid Project’s recently published Country Profile Update on female genital mutilation/cutting (‘FGM/C’) in Somalia and Somaliland emphasises how serious a problem the practice of FGM/C is in the region. Its thorough analyses provide information on the frequency, patterns and drivers of FGM/C, as well as current initiatives to stop this harmful traditional practice.

20 November 2020

The Uphill Battle to End Female Genital Mutilation by 2030 in the Midst of a Pandemic

This article has been written by Olivia Bridge who writes for the Immigration Advice Service – a team of UK and Ireland immigration lawyers – and ImmigrationNews.co.uk.

Parliament in the UK is undoubtedly living through an era of unprecedented turmoil as MPs remain embroiled in Brexit rows, regional divisions over COVID-19 lockdown plans and free school meals for children. However, amidst all the noise, focus on eradicating Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) has become lost, despite its alarming uptick.

5 February 2020

International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM 2020

Guest Blog by Maryam Sheikh for International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM 2020

I am a survivor of FGM, cut at the age of 6 and the worst form of FGM (type 3). As a Somali girl, I grew up knowing every Muslim girl is cut and that my community did ‘a bad type’ because of our culture.

5 November 2019

FGM in Kenya

Guest blog by Zahra from SIMAHO

As an ancient tribal tradition, FGM has been adopted by many countries, particularly in Africa. It is wrongly believed to be a religious requirement and done to “protect” girls. Also, it is believed to prevent excessive clitoral growth and preserve virginity to ensure marriageability. Therefore, it has highly affected many village girls in Kenya with levels highest among Somali and Muslim women. From the age of six and up to teenage years, girls have forcibly undergone FGM. This action is a five-level effect; childhood, girlhood, marriage and sexual intercourse, pregnancy and childbirth, and later life.

7 March 2019

Youth movement to end FGM in Somaliland

Guest Blog by ZamZam Jama, Youth Anti FGM Somaliland

FGM/C is a traditional practice in which part of or the entire external female genitalia is removed. Some communities refer to it as female circumcision (FC). The severe effects of FGM/FGC on the health of girls and women have been widely documented. FGM/FGC results in complications at birth for both mother and child, sometimes leading to death. The practice has strong repercussions on the health of women and on the social, political and economic fabric at individual and community levels.

26 February 2019

Ending FGM in Tanzania

Guest blog by Valerian Mganiis, an anti-FGM campaigner from Tanzania and a member of Arukah Network.  

FGM is engrained in our culture. Where I live and work, it is believed to be an order from the spirit. The belief goes like this: if a girl has not been cut, then she cannot be accepted in the community. But once she has been cut, she is ready for child marriage, she can be taken out of school, and she can get pregnant at a young age. And so FGM does not just cut a girl’s body, it cuts short her life prospects too. It is at the root of all sorts of social problems that hold back women.

5 February 2019

Leaving No Girl Behind on Zero Tolerance Day

Guest blog by Chantalle Okondo, Assistant Program Officer with Population Council. 

The International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) brings awareness of the need to globally eradicate FGM/C. However, it can be difficult to ensure that no girl or women is left behind on a local level. This could not be truer when it comes to West Pokot County on the western side of Kenya, where FGM/C is nearly universal (85 - 94%)1, 2 despite the practice being outlawed by the National Government.

6 September 2018

FGM in Guinea and the Guinean Community

Guest Blog by Mama Sylla, FGM survivor and Chairwoman of la Fraternite Guineenne. 

I grew up in a society where I had been led to believe that FGM/C was normal and justified.  In Guinea the practice of FGM is still widespread and the belief is that a girl has to undergo FGM in order to be accepted later as an accomplished woman.

18 August 2018

Creating Safe Spaces For Girls In Taita Taveta County

Guest Blog by Hope Gloria Mugambi Mwanyuma, Founder: Hope Alive Africa Initiative: A safe space for girls is a place where women and girls can go to at any time to feel safer and empowered and have access to information, education, recreational activities, support and services.

29 June 2018

A study of FGM determinants and approaches to address the issue in Yemen

Guest Blog by Mohammed Gaber: FGM in Yemen is distributed throughout the country but predominates in four main cities; Aden, Al-Hodiedah, Al-Mhrah, and Hadramout. In 2001, the Yemeni Ministry of Public Health and Population (YMoPHP) enacted a decree to ban public and private health facilities from performing FGM. However, some facilities still carry out the practice.

5 June 2018

Curbing the Cut: The Somaliland Dilemma

Guest Blog from Richard A. Powell, Mohamed Yussuf, and Bettina Shell-Duncan, Population Council “Evidence to End FGM/C” For decades female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) has been debated in dozens of countries around the world. But it is in Somaliland, in the Horn of Africa, where a recent fatwa, or religious edict, has rekindled a passionate debate of ‘zero tolerance’ versus ‘acceptable harm minimization’

8 May 2018

The Pan African #YouthEndFGM Summit – Nairobi – Kenya 2018

Guest Blog from Bakary Seedy Dampha, Founder and National Coordinator, Kids Come First, The Gambia. The Girl Generation organized the first ever Pan African youth summit held from 25-26 April 2018 in Nairobi, Kenya. The summit brought together 170 young people from 17 countries including diaspora in the UK.

7 March 2018

Early Marriages and FGM Accelerating Maternal Death in Mandera County, Kenya.

Guest Blog by Abdullahi Mohamed Abdinur, Health and Hunger Aid. Health and Hunger Aid (HhAid) is a non-governmental organization, free from political, clans, religion and ethnic divisions, works with thousands of youth in urban and rural areas throughout Northern Kenya. HhAid strives to create a future where communities are able to facilitate their own development. HhAid works in program areas of Sexual and Reproductive and right, Food security, Water and Sanitation as well as HIV/AIDS awareness/mitigation.

7 March 2018

Do Alternative Rites of Passage (ARP) approaches work?

Guest Blog by Sam Cook, Feed the Minds. Alternative Rite of Passage (ARP) approaches – that use an alternative ritual to FGM to symbolise a girl’s transition to womanhood – sound great on the surface. But are they an effective strategy for abandonment of FGM that can be applied in other communities? And who else needs to be involved to ensure long term change?

6 March 2018

An alternative to FGM at naming ceremonies in Igbo Land

Guest Blog by the Society for the Improvement of Rural People (SIRP). In Igbo land, FGM is usually carried out to coincide with the child’s naming ceremony, which is a festive event with gifts and refreshments. In Igbo culture, the naming ceremony comes up almost immediately after the birth of the child. It is normally done on the 7th to the 12th day after the birth of the child. When a child is born in Igbo land, he or she is welcomed into the world with joyous songs.

6 March 2018

Alternative Rites of Passage

Guest Blog by the Pastoralist Child Foundation. Since 2013, Pastoralist Child Foundation’s (PCF) Alternative Rites of Passage (ARP) have been instrumental in lowering the rate of FGM in Samburu, Kenya. We have managed to decrease the former rate of 96% in East Samburu Ward down to 80%. Our replacement for “the cut” is through education and celebrations for groups of 60 girls during their school holidays in April, August, and December. 

6 March 2018

The Story of ARP in Najile, Kajiado West Sub County

Guest Blog by Millicent Ondigo for Amref Health Africa. It began one and a half years ago with the birth of the ‘Yes I Do Alliance-Kenya Programme’. The Yes I Do Alliance had one purpose of contributing to the reduction of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C), child marriage and teenage pregnancies among the Maa community residing in Kajiado West Sub County of Kajiado in Kenya.

6 March 2018

Maasai Moran tour to break silence around FGC: SAFE Maa case study

Guest Blog by Miranda Dobson, Orchid Project

SAFE Maa is a Kenyan-based NGO and UK charity working with the Maasai in the Loita Hills, South West Kenya, on ending female genital cutting (FGC), environmental sustainability, and addressing HIV and AIDS. They have been delivering programmes since 2008, and are dedicated to changing the attitudes surrounding FGC in Loita as a way to help create community-led change. Orchid Project partnered with SAFE Maa in 2013 to support an awareness-raising performance tour on FGC and have continued to work closely with them ever since.

20 February 2018

The Law and FGM in Nigeria

Guest post by Barrister Ugwu Somtochukwu Nnamdi, Society for the Improvement of Rural People (SIRP). Did you know that currently in Nigeria, 20 million women and girls have been mutilated and yet there has been no conviction? Although, there are so many reasons for this, but in this article we dwelt on the two major reasons for this in Nigeria.

5 February 2018

“A recovery from female genital mutilation is a long journey”

Guest Blog by Kadi Doumbia. I have been trying to find out about a reason why girls have to undergo female genital mutilation, but unfortunately, I have not yet found any valid reasons to why we, girls must undergo this practice; perhaps there is no reason at all other than myths and ignorance.

6 December 2017

FGM/C as a hindrance to the education of a girl child

Guest Blog by Ayomikun Emmanuel Olugbode. The need for us to act as a nation against this practice cannot be overemphasized when practices or beliefs that can hamper the education of our girls are being done. One of the purposes of education is to enable the girl child to realize her rights and participate like her counterparts in the society. This practice of FGM/C in Nigeria has hindered many girls from achieving this purpose.

30 November 2017

A business for all at the expense of young girls' health

Guest blog by Mama Sylla. For the 16 days of activism, I deem it necessary to describe this blog to be able to explain the reasons and the causes which push the parents to maim their daughters and at what price? The whole ceremony can be done during a month during the school holidays between July and September.

25 November 2017

The Pokot in East-Uganda and traditional harmful practices

Guest Blog by Dorian Cosijnse. Uganda is one of the 28+ countries where Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is practised. The estimated prevalence lingers around 1.4% amongst women in the age of 15 till 49. Although this national figure is relatively low, prevalence amongst the Pokot tribe in the Eastern part of the country is near-universal (95%) ¹. This guest blog is written in Amudat, a district in the Karamoja region, and aims to give an insight in the harmful cultural practice of FGM amongst this unique tribe in East-Uganda.

3 November 2017

"FGM E Do So" A Reflection by Finda Karimu and Fatamta Bah of Girls Empowerment Summit Sierra Leone (GESL)

The girls in GESL decided to take on a national issue relevant to the needs of girls, that they wanted to raise awareness on. The girls decided to focus on educating their peers on the negative impacts of FGM through an advocacy media campaign. This blog showcases pieces by two of the girls in GESL,  Finda Karimu and Fatamta Bah. The GESL girls are raising awareness via social media and other platforms on their project titled “FGM E do So” (FGM Enough!). We hope you are inspired by Finda and Fatmata’s reflection.

6 September 2017

F is for a future without FGM

What do literacy and FGM have in common? One could eradicate the other.

This week International Literacy Day reminds us that education is one of the most fundamental ways in which we can build a sustainable future for all. It empowers individuals to bring about lasting change at a community, national and global level.

30 March 2017

FGM in Nigeria in 2017

Guest blog by Raymond Chima Ukwa, End FGM Ambassador. Female genital mutilation (FGM) is an unhealthy practice, inflicted on girls and women worldwide, and it is generally recognized as a violation of human rights, which is deeply rooted in cultural beliefs and perceptions over decades and generations with no easy task for change. This blog post explores the issue of FGM in Nigeria where it is estimated that 27% of the women have undergone the procedure.

7 March 2017

Saved by Cricket and a brother's love

Guest blog by Esther Njenga. Nancy is a bubbly, kind and intelligent girl who just last year successfully completed high school. Getting to this landmark stage of her life is nothing but a journey of courage and sacrifice not only for her but also for her two brothers who have stood by her through her trying times.

5 February 2017

Youth ending FGM in The Gambia

Guest blog by Bakary Seedy Dampha Programme Manager Kids Come First in The Gambia. FGM is no longer a new thing in the Gambia and I’m impressed with the amount of youth involvement and engagement in ending FGM in a generation. Addressing the life threatening and global concern, the Girl Generation has currently a membership of 50 organisations in the Gambia. 

5 February 2017

"Stand to be counted in making this world a better place for women and girls" #MenENDFGM

Guest blog by Tony Mwebia. Today is International Day to Zero Tolerance against FGM and my plea to fellow youths and especially men is to join this noble cause and stand to be counted in making this world a better place for women and girls. As youths we stand to benefit most by achievement of SDGs, with elimination of harmful cultural practices being key in realization of SDG 5. 

9 December 2016

FGM and the necessity of sex education in Nigeria

Guest Blog by Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo, Journalist/Founder and News Director. For the last 16 days I have witnessed an overwhelming scene on social media of something I thought I was dealing with alone. Female Genital Mutilation. FGM was performed on me at age 5 and I will never forget the event. It is still etched in my mind and when reporter Ludovica Iaccino mentioned she was doing a story about it at the International Business Times.

11 November 2016

Kids Come First Foundation

Guest Blog from Bakary Seedy Damph (Buba). Bakary Seedy Damph (Buba) founded and runs Kids Come First Foundation, a community based advocacy group that offers support and empowers children irrespective of their backgrounds. The foundation addresses issues such as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Child Marriage and provides affected children and their families with psychological, financial and emotional support based on a fair assessment of their needs.

28 July 2016

The role of Gambian men in the fight against FGM in The Gambia

Guest blog by Andrew Mendy. The fight to end FGM in the Gambia and other practicing nations will almost be impossible without the active involvement and participation of men. Hence, it is important that all stakeholders in this fight get the men on board sooner rather than later.  This is crucial as the men in their roles as fathers, husbands, community and religious leaders may play a leading and pivotal role in the abandonment of FGM.

14 July 2016

Medicalisation : against a partial solution to FGM

Recently, I asked an Egyptian medical doctor whether he had ever encountered FGM. He had indeed encountered it. He told me that he was once at a hospital and was asked whether he would circumcise two children. He agreed, assuming that both children were boys, but then it turned out that one was a boy and the other a girl. 

16 June 2016

Don't medicalise FGM/C - end it

Guest blog by Dr Faith Mwangi-Powell. To mark the Day of the African Child we are pleased to share a guest blog by Dr Faith Mwangi-Powell, Global Director of The Girl Generation on why we must abandon all forms of FGM and prevent its medicalisation. The Medicalisation of FGM report from the 28 Too Many charity argues that a medicalised version of the practice has increased in a number of countries.

16 June 2016

FGM - End it. Don't medicalise it.

28 Too Many’s new report investigates the growing involvement of health professionals in FGM and highlights what actions need to be taken to reverse this dangerous trend. Medicalised FGM remains a very risky procedure and does nothing to mitigate the fact that this is a severe form of violence against girls and women, a violation of their human rights and has life-long physical, emotional and sexual implications for survivors.

16 May 2016

The Psychological Effects of Female Genital Mutilation

Research blog by Serene Chung. A research blog by Serene Chung which investigates the psychological effects of female genital mutilation (FGM) within migrant communities in the United Kingdom. Considering avaiable literature and interviews with experts, Serene analyses the psychological disorders suffered by the individual, considering their migrant cultural identity and also considers the psychological impact of FGM in the context of relationships between the women and their spouses or families.

15 April 2016

Interview with Solomon Onita Jr about the film "JOY"

Guest blog by Imuetinyan Ugiagbe. A first-generation Nigerian filmmaker Solomon Onita Jr. in his most recent short film, Joy, explores the cultural clashes of a Nigerian family living in the United States. In the film, he tells the story of a woman who is trying to convince her husband not to circumcise their ten years old daughter, poetically named Joy. It tells the story of a women's struggle to protect her daughter from the harm of FGM whilst being true to her cultural heritage.

16 March 2016

The Challenge to end FGM in The Gambia

Guest blog by Andrew Mendy. The recent developments in the fight against FGM in The Gambia have been very encouraging. A guest blog by campaigner Andrew Mendy reflecting on progress in the fight against FGM in The Gambia and what further action is needed. 

6 February 2016

International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGM 2016

Guest blog by Nigeen Dara. A new blog by medical student Nigeen Dara to mark the UN International Day for Zero Tolerance to FGM.

10 December 2015

Will the new government in Burkina Faso bring a better future for its girls?

3 out of 4 girls and women in Burkina Faso have experienced female genital mutilation (FGM) but new research indicates that attitudes are changing.

9 December 2015

FGM and Initiation Rites

Guest blog by Sarajane Rodgers. In her new blog psychology student Sarajane Rodgers explores the impact of FGM on survivors.

14 November 2015

Warriors film London premiere

A blog by Noa Marson, youth ambassador for 28 Too Many writes about an inspiring evening at the Warriors film premiere and special Q&A session held in London on 13th November.

10 November 2015

FGM: A Kurdish Woman's Ordeal

Guest blog by Nigeen Dara. A new blog by 28 Too Many volunteer Nigeen who campaigns against FGM and raises awareness of this as an issue for women from the Middle East and especially Kurdistan. In this blog she tells the story of a young Kurdish woman who is a survivor of female genital mutilation (FGM).

16 October 2015

28 Too Many wins Clio Awards Advertiser of the Year

Last night 28 Too Many was announced as Advertiser of the Year at the Clio Awards its provocative anti-female genital mutilation (FGM)* campaign, “It Happens Here", with Ogilvy & Mather London.

23 September 2015

How to celebrate and help others

Guest blog by Helena Sharpstone. 28 Too Many ambassador Helena Sharpstone blogs about why she has decided to celebrate her upcoming birthday by helping others.

17 September 2015

Cycling around London to end FGM

Guest blog by Noa Marson. 28 Too Many Youth Ambassador Noa Marson and her friend Laura Lewis recently cycled around London wearing animal costumes to raise money to help end FGM. read their blog about an unusual day!

10 September 2015

Update from 28 Too Many Executive Director Ann-Marie Wilson - September 2015

Executive Director Ann-Marie Wilson reflects on a busy few months for 28 Too Many and the progress we are seeing in tackling FGM.

5 August 2015

How do we deal with FGM?

Guest blog by Hannah Cotton. 17 year old Hannah Cotton recently completed a project on FGM and is now sharing her newly acquired knowledge to help end the practice and protect other girls from being cut.

28 July 2015

As a student in the UK, is FGM impersonal and am I helpless?

Guest blog by Tamsyn Radmall. Student Tamsyn reflecting on what she has learnt about FGM during her summer placement with 28 Too Many.

23 July 2015

FGM in the Middle East

Guest blog by Nigeen Dara. A new blog by 28 Too Many volunteer Nigeen Dara highlights FGM in the Middle East. As we get better information about FGM in different countries we must ensure that action is taken wherever FGM is found to be taking place and that those working to stop the practice are supported.

16 June 2015

Can Senegal break free from the cycle of FGM?

Released for the Day of the African Child 2015, a new country profile on FGM in Senegal by 28 Too Many reports that an estimated 25.7% of girls and women (aged 14-59) have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM) and this figure has not changed significantly over the past ten years. 

2 June 2015

Islam and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Guest blog by Nigeen Dara. Despite predating Islam and Christianity many people believe FGM to be a religious practice. In her latest blog 28 Too Many volunteer Nigeen Dara investigates the Islamic view on FGM to increase understanding and challenge harmful misconceptions about the practice.

5 March 2015

Will 2015 be the beginning of the end of FGM in The Gambia?

As we approach International Women's Day 2015, 28 Too Many release new research on FGM in The Gambia where 3 out of every 4 girls undergo FGM. 

6 January 2015

FGM in Kurdistan: An Ancient Ritual

Guest blog by 28 Too Many volunteer Nigeen Akram. Nigeen blogs about the brave women of Kurdistan battling to protect their homeland from extremist forces and also for women's rights and to end harmful practices like FGM. On a recent trip to Kurdistan Nigeen met FGM survivors and in this blogs she tells the story of one women who underwent the practice but has vowed to break the cycle and end FGM in her family to protect her daughters.

21 October 2014

FGM: can't you just pass a law against it?

Guest blog by Caroline Overton. As the UK’s Ministry of Justice publishes a raft of new measures to protect girls and women from FGM 28 Too Many Programmes Manager Caroline Overton asks, FGM: can’t you just pass a law against it?

16 October 2014

A Kurdish Girl's story of FGM

Blog Action Day post by Nigeen Akram. A powerful blog by 28 Too Many volunteer and medical student Nigeen telling the story of a Kurdish FGM survivor she met during a visit to Iraqi Kurdistan this summer. We share this on Blog Action Day 2014 in the hope that it will be seen by many people and encourage support for the brave Kurdish women standing against FGM.

3 October 2014

How can we end FGM in Mali?

As 28 Too Many's new report Country Profile: FGM in Mali shows the extent of FGM in Mali, researcher Gemma Locke highlights some of the challenges and shares her hopes for change.

30 September 2014

Press Release: 9 out of 10 girls in Mali at risk of FGM

28 Too Many's new research, Country Profile: FGM in Mali, confirms that FGM remains a major issue in Mali and that 91% of girls and women have experienced FGM. The report details the practice and explains the underlying social drivers which support the continuation of FGM.

17 June 2014

How community action is tackling FGM in Pokot

Guest blog by Kabete Benard. Kabete Benard provides an insight into community development work in Pokot County in Kenya where FGM is still widely practised.

13 June 2014

Ending female genital mutilation in Sierra Leone

28 Too Many's new report, Country Profile: FGM in Sierra Leone, shines a light on the secretive practice of female genital mutilation in Sierra Leone. It shows that change is happening and makes recommendations on what needs to be to done to accelerate the ending of this harmful practice.

12 June 2014

Press Release: It's time to break the taboo and end FGM in Sierra Leone

On Saturday 17th May, a nine year old Sierra Leonean girl died from female genital mutilation (FGM) related complications. 

28 Too Many’s new report “Country Profile: FGM in Sierra Leone” shines a light on this secretive practice and shows that there has been a slight fall in the prevalence rate of FGM in Sierra Leone from 2008 to 2013 but the practice still affects approximately 89.6% of women (DHS, 2013). 

13 May 2014

Inspiring a generation to end FGM

Guest blog by 28 Too Many volunteer Vivien Cohen. A blog on some of the women who inspire our work to end FGM and are making a difference to millions of women and girls worldwide.

23 January 2014

It's time for men to stand up and say no to FGM

Did you know the on that day when the real men stand up and say no to FGM it will be on that day when we will say a final RIP to Female Genital Mutilation? In a guest blog for 28 Too Many, Geoffrey Otieno from Kenya talks about the role of men in FGM and why they should take action to end this harmful practice.

23 December 2013

What changes are taking place in FGM in Tanzania?

Guest blog by a 28 Too Many researcher. During August and September 2013 Gosbert Lwentaro, a researcher based in Dar es Salaam undertook research on FGM in Tanzania for 28 Too Many. His research included meetings and community group discussions in Arusha and Moshi and in this blog he shares some of the findings which show how FGM is changing in Tanzania.

16 December 2013

How can we talk about FGM in a culturally sensitive and progressive way?

Guest blog by Diya Mukarji. An interesting and thoughtful blog by Diya Mukarji, a post-colonial feminist and anti-FGM campaigner. In this piece Diya explores how we can discuss a difficult topic like FGM in a culturally sensitive and progressive way which does not hinder efforts to end the practice.

10 December 2013

Fighting against FGM and for Human Rights in Tanzania

Blog by Louise Robertson. As we celebrate Human Rights Day 2013, we share a story of a brave woman in Tanzania urging others to abandon the harmful traditional practice of female genital mutilation (FGM).

10 December 2013

Press Release: FGM remains a danger for Tanzania's girls despite laws against the practice

It is estimated that 7.9 million women and girls in Tanzania have undergone FGM (UNICEF, 2013).  New research for 28 Too Many’s report “Country Profile: FGM in Tanzania” shows that there has been good progress against FGM in some areas of Tanzania but there are still very strong challenges to eradicating FGM.

6 November 2013

"I will not be cut! You will not cut me!"

Guest blog by 28 Too Many volunteer Vivien Cohen. Vivien Cohen reviews the film "I will never be cut" by The Guardian Global Development, which looks at FGM in Kenya and highlights how girls and campaigners are trying to change attitudes and end this cruel practice.

31 October 2013

Press Release: Female genital mutilation numbers down in Ethiopia

23.8 million women in Ethiopia have had female genital mutilation (FGM) which makes it the second most affected country in Africa for FGM. However despite the fact that FGM is widespread and is practised in the majority of regions and ethnics groups, research by 28 Too Many finds that attitudes are changing in Ethiopia and progress is being made to reduce and eventually eradicate this harmful practice.

14 October 2013

Resolution opposing FGM passed at the ACWW Triennial Conference

A landmark resolution opposing FGM passed at the Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) 27th Triennial Conference

3 October 2013

Painful Truth Poem: A blog and poem on FGM for National Poetry Day 2013

On National Poetry Day (UK) 2013 we share a powerful and moving poem written by a Somali FGM survivor.

16 July 2013

FGM in Uganda

Blog by Johanna Waritay, 28 Too Many Research Coordinator. A blog by Johanna Waritay about our new country profile on FGM in Uganda. Although the overall rate of FGM is low in Uganda the practice is still deeply entrenched in some areas and there are still many challenges to overcome before FGM is eradicated in Uganda.

12 July 2013

Press release: New research on FGM in Uganda

A new report on FGM in Uganda by 28 Too Many published on Monday 15th July finds that Uganda has a low rate of FGM compared to many African countries but faces a tough battle to eradicate the practice.

4 June 2013

There is hope: a review of the film "The Day I Will Never Forget"

A guest blog by Helen Harwood. A review of "The Day I Will Never Forget", a powerful documentary by acclaimed film maker Kim Longinotto follows a number of women in Kenya around the theme of female genital mutilation (FGM).

21 May 2013

FGM in Kenya: What does our new report reveal and how can country profiles help eradicate female genital mutilation?

Blog by Katherine Allen, Research Intern and co-author of FGM in Kenya. 28 Too Many has released its first country profile report on FGM in Kenya. This information resource is freely available on our website and is intended to provide consolidated and objective information on female genital mutilation (FGM) in Kenya, and on national efforts to eradicate the practice.

14 May 2013

Is education the most powerful weapon in the fight against FGM?

Blog by Louise Robertson. Nelson Mandela said that education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. I was reminded of this quote by the striking fact that only 19% of Kenya girls who have secondary level education undergo female genital mutilation (FGM) compared to an alarming 54% of girls who do not get a school education.

9 May 2013

What is the impact of the increasing trend for the medicalistion of female genital mutilation (FGM)?

Guest blog by Laura McKeever, studying Medical Science and Humanities at Swansea University. In 2012 significant advances were made in the battle against FGM as the United Nations prepared the first-ever draft resolution against the practice. In addition to this, some nations decided to abandon the practice - most notably Somalia included a ban on FGM in its new constitution. While progress has been made, push back has arrived.

8 May 2013

Press Release: FGM reduced in Kenya by 10% over 10 years

Progress is being made in the fight against female genital mutilation (FGM) in Kenya, confirms a new report by charity 28 Too Many which shows a significant drop in prevalence over the last ten years.

26 April 2013

What are the realities of FGM today? Examined within the framework of the Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC).

Guest blog by Meti Tadesse, 28 Too Many Health Volunteer. In our world today, individuals’ right to participate in their culture and freedom of religion is protected by law. What appears to be difficult to enshrine by law, however, is the right for an individual girl to ‘opt out of certain cultural practices’ which are now at best considered as ‘challenging’ and have clearly been identified as ‘harmful’ to the individual’s development and psychosocial wellbeing.

19 February 2013

What are the origins and reasons for FGM?

Blog by 28 Too Many's Research Coordinator.

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a harmful traditional practice that involves the cutting or removal of the external genitals. It is typically found in traditional group or community cultures with patriarchal social structures. The reasons for the practice are complex and the origins are often lost in the mists of time. What is clear, however, is that FGM is a manifestation of deeply entrenched gender inequality, a fact recognised by the WHO.

25 January 2013

In November 2012, the UN approved a worldwide ban on the practice of Female Genital Mutilation.

Guest blog by Wafa Farah, Journalist student at Hull Art & Design School. The World Health Organisation reports about 140 million girls and women are currently living with the consequence of female genital mutilation (FGM). The practice of FGM  is over a 2000 year old cultural tradition, which requires the cutting or the removal of the external genitals. FGM is mostly carried out on young girls between infancy

18 December 2012

What lessons can we learn from FGM practice in Tanzania?

Blog from our Research Co-ordinator, recently back from Tanzania. Following from our previous blog about FGM in Tanzania, we continue with a blog from Singida and Dodoma in Central Tanzania by our Research Co-ordinator, who recently undertook a research project in the country for Tearfund. In Central Tanzania, we found a very different picture to Mara Region in North West Tanzania (see last blog)

4 December 2012

Why we 'should' think about FGM even if we've never had to - stories from Egypt

Guest blog by Farhanah Mamoojee. Girls like me are pretty lucky. We never had to worry about Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). In fact, the concept is perhaps so alien to us that we have never really had to even think about it. But just because we are lucky enough to have never had to think about it, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t think about it.

20 November 2012

How are we working together in the fight against FGM? Tareto Maa meets 28 Too Many: a personal journey.

Guest blog by Helen Marshall, Tareto Maa. I don’t remember exactly when I first became concerned about the subject of FGM but it was one of those moments when something so hard hits you, you can’t get it out of your mind. Learning about a girl being cut and left in pain, sometimes to bleed and die was something so shocking to

6 November 2012

What's happening in advance of the cutting season in Tanzania?

Guest blog from Tanzania by our Research Co-Ordinator. We are shortly approaching the December cutting season in Tanzania.  Our Research Co-Ordinator has just returned from Tanzania, undertaking some research on behalf of Tearfund, and these are her initial findings: “We visited the remote Rorya District in the Mara region in North West Tanzania, near the shores of Lake Victoria. 

16 October 2012

Celebrating anti-FGM progress in rural Uganda.

Blog by Kelly Denise, Uganda In-Country Researcher. When Ann-Marie first started looking at getting involved in anti-FGM work in 2005, she bought a book edited by Comfort Momoh ‘Female Genital Mutilation’.  There it stated FGM inUganda at 5% (1995/6).  We are pleased to report in 2012, it has fallen to 1% (UNFPA).

10 July 2012

The survivor stories behind the start of 28 Too Many

Meeting survivors of FGM in West Darfur and Kenya changed the direction of my life. The stories behind the start of 28 Too Many. 

8 June 2012

Liberian government forced to take a stand on FGM

Blog by our In-Country Researcher. FGM is a topical issue in Liberia at the moment. The government was recently forced to take a public position on the matter, with Liberian officials declaring they want to stop FGM. This followed the publication by a journalist of an article exposing FGM which made her the target of threats, sparking international controversy

25 November 2011

The role of ARPs in abandoning FGM in Kenya

How can human rights change agents help the Maasai turn away from the harmful aspects of their tradition (FGM and early forced marriage) and not taint the authenticity of their rich culture? One way to create change is to offer alternative rituals or rites of passage (ARP). The work of Cath Holland in Central Pokot, as shown in the film Abandon the Knife, shows over 170 girls standing up to their community and choosing to not have FGM. It also shows the benefits of completing education for girls, as my favourite line in the film states that ‘cows (from a dowry) can die yet the benefits of education can bring milk for life!’ 

14 October 2011

Abandon the Knife film - FGM abandonment in Kenya

Abandon the Knife (Kepsteno Rotwo) follows the lives of two girls, Nancy 17 and Gertrude who stand up to their families to avoid having FGM. One girls runs for refuge to her grandmother and he mother is temporarily ‘thrown’ out by her husband for helping his daughter escape his planned marriage – as the suitor is on the way and cows have already been ‘paid’ for. She wants to complete her schooling and become a doctor, but her marriage dowry, to immediately follow her FGM ceremony, will pay for her brother’s education – and more cows! Click here to see the film.

2 September 2011

What do different faiths say about FGM?

What do different faith groups say about FGM? Here are some statements made from the three main monotheist religions about their views on the issue.

22 July 2011

Aspirations of child brides - FORWARD study in Tanzania

Most countries have declared 18 as the minimum legal age for marriage. However, in Africa 42% marry before this age (ranging from 11-88%, depending on the area). So, what were the aspirations of these child brides? Their dreams were to go back to school, finish their education, gain financial security and independence similar to any child with interrupted schooling. The careers they wish for included being a magistrate, nurse or business women – so similar to my own childhood dreams of being a surgeon, physio or teacher. Programmes of education against FGM and child bride girls clubs can once again make those dreams come true.

10 June 2011

Using music to address FGM in Senegal

Sister Fa knows in Africa, if you play in the open, people will come: ‘It’s the way to reach them, to bring them together’. She is using Senegalese urban music to help end FGM in the highest 12 of the 28 African countries where FGM is practised. Having been cut herself, she is now taking part in an ‘Education against Mutilation’ Campaign – using music to relate to young people.

6 May 2011

Shifting culture in Kenya

Amongst a number of Kenyan tribes, FGM is practised for social and religious reasons. The Kenya Demographic of Health Survey shows the overall prevalence of FGM has decreased over 10 years: 38% in 1998; 32% in 2003 and 27% in 2008-9. However, the prevalence is still over a third of 15-49 year olds in Eastern Kenya although 88% of women ‘believe it should end’.

25 March 2011

Can FGM change in a generation?

How do you answer these questions: Can FGM end in a generation – after 1000 years of embedded practice? What does it take to campaign for 10 years to change a traditional practice? Can lessons in Ethiopia be transferred elsewhere? 

8 February 2011

How long does it take to change cultural practice? Should social norms continue if they cause harm?

In Gambia’s upper river region, 24 community representatives have just signed a public declaration abandoning FGM, which affected 90% of girls. TOSTAN’s ‘organised diffusion’ model supports girls/women, men, chiefs and Imams spreading the education messages on birth complications and health risks ‘people to people’ across neighbouring villages.

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