3 November 2017

"FGM E Do So" A Reflection by Finda Karimu and Fatamta Bah of Girls Empowerment Summit Sierra Leone (GESL)

The girls in GESL decided to take on a national issue relevant to the needs of girls, that they wanted to raise awareness on. The girls decided to focus on educating their peers on the negative impacts of FGM through an advocacy media campaign. This blog showcases pieces by two of the girls in GESL,  Finda Karimu and Fatamta Bah. The GESL girls are raising awareness via social media and other platforms on their project titled “FGM E do So” (FGM Enough!). We hope you are inspired by Finda and Fatmata’s reflection.

13 June 2014

Ending female genital mutilation in Sierra Leone

28 Too Many's new report, Country Profile: FGM in Sierra Leone, shines a light on the secretive practice of female genital mutilation in Sierra Leone. It shows that change is happening and makes recommendations on what needs to be to done to accelerate the ending of this harmful practice.

12 June 2014

Press Release: It's time to break the taboo and end FGM in Sierra Leone

On Saturday 17th May, a nine year old Sierra Leonean girl died from female genital mutilation (FGM) related complications. 

28 Too Many’s new report “Country Profile: FGM in Sierra Leone” shines a light on this secretive practice and shows that there has been a slight fall in the prevalence rate of FGM in Sierra Leone from 2008 to 2013 but the practice still affects approximately 89.6% of women (DHS, 2013). 

8 June 2012

Liberian government forced to take a stand on FGM

Blog by our In-Country Researcher. FGM is a topical issue in Liberia at the moment. The government was recently forced to take a public position on the matter, with Liberian officials declaring they want to stop FGM. This followed the publication by a journalist of an article exposing FGM which made her the target of threats, sparking international controversy

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