16 June 2015

Can Senegal break free from the cycle of FGM?

Released for the Day of the African Child 2015, a new country profile on FGM in Senegal by 28 Too Many reports that an estimated 25.7% of girls and women (aged 14-59) have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM) and this figure has not changed significantly over the past ten years. 

10 June 2011

Using music to address FGM in Senegal

Sister Fa knows in Africa, if you play in the open, people will come: ‘It’s the way to reach them, to bring them together’. She is using Senegalese urban music to help end FGM in the highest 12 of the 28 African countries where FGM is practised. Having been cut herself, she is now taking part in an ‘Education against Mutilation’ Campaign – using music to relate to young people.

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