16 March 2023

Nigeria's Battle Against Female Genital Mutilation: A Hard Look at the Numbers and the Fight Ahead

Blog by Savannah Grantham for the FGM/C Research Initiative

In Nigeria, female genital mutilation/cutting (‘FGM/C’) continues to be a serious problem that affects a great number of women and girls. Orchid Project’s recent Country Profile Update on FGM/C in Nigeria provides a thorough examination of the current landscape, offering crucial statistics and insights to inform responses to this harmful practice.

10% of all FGM/C cases worldwide are thought to occur in Nigeria, where an estimated 20 million girls and women have undergone cutting.

6 March 2018

An alternative to FGM at naming ceremonies in Igbo Land

Guest Blog by the Society for the Improvement of Rural People (SIRP). In Igbo land, FGM is usually carried out to coincide with the child’s naming ceremony, which is a festive event with gifts and refreshments. In Igbo culture, the naming ceremony comes up almost immediately after the birth of the child. It is normally done on the 7th to the 12th day after the birth of the child. When a child is born in Igbo land, he or she is welcomed into the world with joyous songs.

20 February 2018

The Law and FGM in Nigeria

Guest post by Barrister Ugwu Somtochukwu Nnamdi, Society for the Improvement of Rural People (SIRP). Did you know that currently in Nigeria, 20 million women and girls have been mutilated and yet there has been no conviction? Although, there are so many reasons for this, but in this article we dwelt on the two major reasons for this in Nigeria.

6 December 2017

FGM/C as a hindrance to the education of a girl child

Guest Blog by Ayomikun Emmanuel Olugbode. The need for us to act as a nation against this practice cannot be overemphasized when practices or beliefs that can hamper the education of our girls are being done. One of the purposes of education is to enable the girl child to realize her rights and participate like her counterparts in the society. This practice of FGM/C in Nigeria has hindered many girls from achieving this purpose.

30 March 2017

FGM in Nigeria in 2017

Guest blog by Raymond Chima Ukwa, End FGM Ambassador. Female genital mutilation (FGM) is an unhealthy practice, inflicted on girls and women worldwide, and it is generally recognized as a violation of human rights, which is deeply rooted in cultural beliefs and perceptions over decades and generations with no easy task for change. This blog post explores the issue of FGM in Nigeria where it is estimated that 27% of the women have undergone the procedure.

9 December 2016

FGM and the necessity of sex education in Nigeria

Guest Blog by Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo, Journalist/Founder and News Director. For the last 16 days I have witnessed an overwhelming scene on social media of something I thought I was dealing with alone. Female Genital Mutilation. FGM was performed on me at age 5 and I will never forget the event. It is still etched in my mind and when reporter Ludovica Iaccino mentioned she was doing a story about it at the International Business Times.

15 April 2016

Interview with Solomon Onita Jr about the film "JOY"

Guest blog by Imuetinyan Ugiagbe. A first-generation Nigerian filmmaker Solomon Onita Jr. in his most recent short film, Joy, explores the cultural clashes of a Nigerian family living in the United States. In the film, he tells the story of a woman who is trying to convince her husband not to circumcise their ten years old daughter, poetically named Joy. It tells the story of a women's struggle to protect her daughter from the harm of FGM whilst being true to her cultural heritage.

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