6 January 2015

FGM in Kurdistan: An Ancient Ritual

Guest blog by 28 Too Many volunteer Nigeen Akram. Nigeen blogs about the brave women of Kurdistan battling to protect their homeland from extremist forces and also for women's rights and to end harmful practices like FGM. On a recent trip to Kurdistan Nigeen met FGM survivors and in this blogs she tells the story of one women who underwent the practice but has vowed to break the cycle and end FGM in her family to protect her daughters.

16 October 2014

A Kurdish Girl's story of FGM

Blog Action Day post by Nigeen Akram. A powerful blog by 28 Too Many volunteer and medical student Nigeen telling the story of a Kurdish FGM survivor she met during a visit to Iraqi Kurdistan this summer. We share this on Blog Action Day 2014 in the hope that it will be seen by many people and encourage support for the brave Kurdish women standing against FGM.

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