30 September 2021

New Report Highlights Urgent Need to Address Widespread Female Genital Mutilation in Guinea

Blog by Savannah Grantham for the FGM/C Research Initiative

A recently published report by Orchid Project has shed light on the persistent issue of female genital mutilation/cutting (‘FGM/C’) in Guinea. Its key findings offer a comprehensive understanding of the prevalence, geographical disparities, age dynamics, types, cutters, prevailing attitudes and legislative framework surrounding this harmful practice.

6 September 2018

FGM in Guinea and the Guinean Community

Guest Blog by Mama Sylla, FGM survivor and Chairwoman of la Fraternite Guineenne. 

I grew up in a society where I had been led to believe that FGM/C was normal and justified.  In Guinea the practice of FGM is still widespread and the belief is that a girl has to undergo FGM in order to be accepted later as an accomplished woman.

30 November 2017

A business for all at the expense of young girls' health

Guest blog by Mama Sylla. For the 16 days of activism, I deem it necessary to describe this blog to be able to explain the reasons and the causes which push the parents to maim their daughters and at what price? The whole ceremony can be done during a month during the school holidays between July and September.

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