30 September 2021

New Report Highlights Urgent Need to Address Widespread Female Genital Mutilation in Guinea

Blog by Savannah Grantham for the FGM/C Research Initiative

A recently published report by Orchid Project has shed light on the persistent issue of female genital mutilation/cutting (‘FGM/C’) in Guinea. Its key findings offer a comprehensive understanding of the prevalence, geographical disparities, age dynamics, types, cutters, prevailing attitudes and legislative framework surrounding this harmful practice.

One of the report’s most alarming findings is the high number of FGM/C cases among women aged 15 to 49 – a concerning 94.5%. This prevalence is quite consistent across Guinea, but regions like Kindia and N'Zérékoré showcase the highest and lowest prevalence, respectively. Additionally, the report highlights that a significant percentage of women undergo FGM/C between the ages of 5 and 14, emphasising the critical need for early intervention-and-prevention efforts.

Insights into the types of FGM/C practised in Guinea reveal that the most common type is a cut with a small amount of flesh removed. However, a notable proportion of women are uncertain about the specific type of cut they have undergone. Moreover, while traditional practitioners continue to conduct the majority of FGM/C, there has been a noticeable increase in medicalised FGM/C that must be addressed.

Examining attitudes towards FGM/C among both women and men aged 15 to 49 in Guinea, the report uncovers a significant proportion who believe that the practice should persist, reflecting deep-seated cultural norms and challenges in changing entrenched beliefs. Furthermore, the report highlights that support for the continuation of FGM/C is highest in rural areas and among individuals with lower levels of education.

In essence, the report serves as a valuable resource for gaining insights into the multifaceted landscape of FGM/C in Guinea and underscores the urgent need for holistic strategies and interventions to combat this deeply ingrained practice.

For a comprehensive understanding of the findings and recommendations outlined in the report, you can access the full document [here].

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