Lead Author: BARRETT Hazel
Published by: Health Care for Women International
Year published: 2020

The movement of people from and to countries and regions with different Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) prevalence and practices and the implications for the elimination of FGM are under researched. In this article, we intend to examine the factors that support or deter Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in the context of internal, regional and international migration in and from countries in the Arab League Region. We selected the Arab League Region as the focus of this article as it contains countries with some of the highest FGM adult prevalence rates in the world, as well as countries where FGM is not traditionally performed. It is also a region with high levels of population mobility including internal, regional and international flows of migration. The region thus provides a case study, which can help elucidate other geographical migration FGM contexts.

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