Lead Author: MAHMOODI Osman
Published by: Unknown
Year published: 2016

The Hamraz counseling center of Javanrood (Iran) conducted a research project “Study on Religious leaders’ (Mullahs) Attitudes and Views on FGM”. The objectives were considered to be best achieved through a survey approach using a self-completion questionnaire. The questionnaire was developed and comprised of 7 questions that explored mullah’s knowledge and attitudes towards FGM. A total of 81 questionnaires were completed. Analysis of the data was undertaken using SPSS Version 18.0 descriptive statistics including frequency, table and percentages were compiled. Content analysis for free response qualitative data was also undertaken using Microsoft Word software. The survey was undertaken during the period of May to July 2016. After inviting 300 Mullahs1 to answer questions, a total of 81 religious leaders (mullah) participated in the questionnaire survey. All of the Mullahs were living in Kermanshah province. 21 mullahs were female and 60 were male. Mean age of female mullahs were 35 and mean age of male mullahs were 56. The results show that FGM is still justified by a majority of mullahs in Kermansheh province as a religious deed. Only a small minority of 4% says that it is not an Islamic practice (not Sunna). The vast majority believes that it is Islamic.

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