Lead Author: JOSEPHINE Uhuru
Co-Author(s): LYDIAH Wamocha
Published by: International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP)
Year published: 2020

All over the world, Kenya included, there have been long standing attempts to eradicate all forms of violence against females.. The purpose of the study was to identify indicators of Gender Based Violence and factors reinforcing Gender Based Violence against females in Narok County, Kenya. Narok County was selected purposively because the county has been on the limelight on GBV and women's literacy is low. The study was guided by cultural lag theory by William Ogburn. Questionnaires, interview schedule and focus group discussions were used to collect data. Findings revealed that GBV such as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), child marriage and polygamy are still rampant in Narok County. The main factor reinforcing GBV against females was culture. Other factors were poverty, illiteracy among women and lack of economic empowerment among women. The study recommends the need to educate girls and women on their rights and laws that protect them, lobbing for change and change of strategy by law enforces. The study also recommends a broad view of the problem and focus on other factors such as eradicating poverty, improving women literacy, empowering women socially, economically and politically and supporting women to speak out on issues that violate their rights without fear.

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